31 May 2011

26 May: First mass migration

26 May 2011 in the morning the first larger flocks of Light-bellied Brent Geese took of from the Agerø island and its vicinities in the Limfjord area. This was witnessed by Erling Andersen, one of our volunteer bird counters from the local BirdLife Denmark caretaker group - who saw five flocks with a total of 933 Brent Geese departing on northbound migration between 5:18 and 6:07 in the morning.

Later during 26 May well over 2,500 Brent Geese were reported on northbound migration over Norway by local observers - typing their data into the fantastic Norwegion citizen science portal Artsobservationer.

Four of the PTT birds, Jan OveEbbe, Niels and Fridtjof also took off this morning and the question now is - how will the satellite tagged Brent Geese fly up to the Arctic - and where will they end?